
This page holds works that might evolve and expand the network of ideas I understand Ping Practice to be holding in its orbit.

  • (2024) Mindfulness as a way of reducing automatic constraints on thought, Kalina Christoff Hadjiilieva, PhD

    • ...argues that mindfulness reduces the occurrence of automatized sequences of mental states, or habits of thought. In this way, mindfulness may increase the spontaneity of thought and reduce automatically constrained forms of thought such as rumination and obsessive thought.

  • (2019) The Brain from Inside Out, György Buzsáki

    • …presents the brain as a foretelling device that interacts with its environment through action and the examination of action's consequence. Consider that our brains are initially filled with nonsense patterns, all of which are gibberish until grounded by action-based interactions. By matching these nonsense "words" to the outcomes of action, they acquire meaning.

  • (2006) Rhythms of the Brain, György Buzsáki

    • This book provides eloquent support for the idea that spontaneous neuron activity, far from being mere noise, is actually the source of our cognitive abilities. It takes a fresh look at the coevolution of structure and function in the mammalian brain, illustrating how self-emerged oscillatory timing is the brain's fundamental organizer of neuronal information.

  • (2004) Neuronal Oscillations in Cortical Networks, György Buzsáki

    • Clocks tick, bridges and skyscrapers vibrate, neuronal networks oscillate. Are neuronal oscillations an inevitable by-product, similar to bridge vibrations, or an essential part of the brain’s design?

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